Sunday, March 6, 2011

Big Brother Israel 3 - Tomer leaves but explodes on the outside taking down Jackie - לי עוז האח הגדול 3

Lihi and Frida share thoughts over coffee
Nofar and Sivan blow smoke in each others faces and go cross-eyed
Jackie still getting the fame from TV audiences in ISrael
Sivan has got a plan of escape - through the fish bowl
Tomer gets even with the Big Brother HOuse on the outside and blasts them form his Facebook
Lihi and HIla compare armpit hair and realize neither has won ...or one
Amir leans into the criticism like fire in the wind
After rushing out of the big brother israel house in a fit of pent up rage Tomer lept to the stairs and dash out the exit to the bewildered fans screaming for answers to his hasty maneuvers. Tomer was rejected by his possible love interest Nofar and bit his lip in defeat to Jackie as his irrelevance grew like the shadow on an empty bottle of tequila the sombrero of his confidence drooped into a frown of discontent which melted into a quiet riot of disgruntled noises that gave way to head on collisions with even the most silent guests like the nimble Sivan whose vacuum of a personality was challenged to the depths of its hoover power plug.

Amir dashed to her defense but it was too late Tomer had sealed her embarrassment and dueled the memory of her sweetness with nasty remarks of tormenting criticisms all too poignant for her bland thought palette drying in the February musty air of the outskirts of Jerusalem.

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