Sunday, March 20, 2011

Big Brother Israel 3 - The plots thin out and guests start to drift into trance - לי עוז האח הגדול 3

Amir and Jackie relish the final days now that they are guaranteed to get to final round
Frida heads straight for her partner who she has missed form the first day in the Big brother israel house
NOfar attempts one of the last sexy poses before the inevitable last round of truth
Jackie spots a renoir and has a moment of reflection
Lihi Griner confides in Shimi the fish that he was her first love in the house really
Eliraz the winner of Big BRother iSrael season 2 has his say
Even though this should be the last round of excitement it has felt more or less like watching people in an airport leave formally or wait for their turn to exit gate 13A. Unfortunately a lot of the personalities and games have fallen flat and even though this year has seen unprecedented ratings there has hardly been any meat for the audience older than 17 to chew.

It is a fact that statistically there are always more people around than last year to watch etc. but this year definitely has ridden on the momentum of the previous years success. All of the guests seem fed up with the situation and each other and it has become a marathon of emotional stamina held together by a stunned production team that don't seem to know how to stimulate conversation that isn't rated R or isn't bland as polish boiled potatoes.

As I turned on the live channel to see Jackie staring into space I couldn't help wondering if this type of tv content will lead to some kind of inbred entertainment appetite that would deem trailer park soap operas the intellectual zenith of drama.

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