Sunday, March 6, 2011

Big Brother Israel 3 - Frida pleads, Lihi laughs, Avirams grins and Asi gets jiggy - לי עוז האח הגדול 3

Frida pleads from a well of need for an anchor of reason to her maddening situation in the Big BRother ISrael house
Aviram shows life can be carefree on the outside of Big brother as his new bachelor show goes into full swing
Merav continues to bring her Journalistic passion to the airwaves too little too late could be her mantra
Eraz and Asi threaten to put aliens in the Big BRother ISrael house getting jiggy with it
Even though lihi has love on her breasts Frida has the nuts and bolts on hers
The reason for two couples having sex so far on the big brother israel show and other record breaking activity happening could be the result of inserting foreign toungues into the same space which will probably be the trend of future big brother shows as the show will inevitibly mutate into a truly global experience and with support from NASA become galactic.

As lihi gets comfortable in an israeli context the producers are probably wondering why they didn't have a more english speaking cast of characters, one point that will probably be remedied next season , that and not sexually harassing the guests through inappropraite comments that eventually make it onto Youtube. Big Brother was caught on tape by us the audience. Even the authority has an authority and so eternity is captured in the cross section of the matrix.

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