Monday, February 21, 2011

Big Brother Israel 3 Sivan disgusted by Amir after their sex did not melt his heart

Sivan from Big Brother Israel has seen better days
Sivan has been finally struck by the callus example of after sex apathy that Amir has demonstrated ever since their one night stand. She confided in Lihi and said," EEEECHS" which in hebrew means disgusting, distasteful and impossible to swallow. After reading a note he wrote to her she had nothing but contempt for his whole attitude. She admitted he was friendly and warm with everyone else but with her his stoney walls became unscalable and impenetrable from the inside or outside.

Looks like love impasse and Sivan is better off for recognizing this now before another night of questionable sex in front of millions of Israeli's eating up the sensual drama like yesterdays pizza.

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