Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Big Brother Israel Season 3 Elad Zafani Dwarf

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Get to know Elad Zafani
אלעד הקטן הגבר גבר האח הגדול 3

He tries to keep smiling, his biggest fear is being alone and has no less than 2300 Facebook friends.

Date of Birth: 27/06/1989

Sign: Cancer

Current residence and where the original: Tel Aviv

Military service: exemption from military service

Marital status: single

Education: High school

My motto: "Live and let live"

Profession / Occupation Current: Public Relations

What is your worst and best feature? My best feature is that I have a listening ear and am supportive when necessary, my worst is laziness

Describe yourself in 5 words: Option A: a person who loves life very

Option B: funny, spontaneous, a dwarf, a talkative type.

What is your biggest dream: to die knowing that I've used every moment of life with no regrets and no sense of missed opportunity

What was the biggest embarassment for you? I have lots and lots of them.The last one occurred just a month before entering the Big Brother house, during a party at the club I went to say goodbye to a friend sitting at the bar, the nice girl was drunk and a little bit too eager to say hello, she tried to hug me while sitting at the bar I'm standing on the floor,which is a bit problematic. You can imagine the situation where standard size girl falls on me with a chair and smashes into me in the middle of the bar and I lose consciousness and faint. I found myself with a huge security guard racing to the exit and from there I was taken for tests to a hospital where we spent the evening, strange and funny story of a lifetime. When I said that I want girls falling at my feet I did not mean that.

What is your greatest fear? Being alone

Who is the closest person to you? My Mother

If you could trade places with someone for one day - who would you choose and why: No specific person, perhaps a specific role or a certain lifestyle (actor, doctor, actor, etc.)

What would you change yourself? Lose 2-3 KB

How many friends do you have on Facebook? 2300

What will your friends will be surprised to discover about you? I entered the big brother

What is the ultimate fun for you? There is none, I enjoy every thing I do: parties, restaurants, cinema and sitting at home with friends, as long as I am with people I love it.

What was the hardest moment in your life? When all my friends joined the army and I was afraid to stay behind and alone. Like I said, my greatest fear is to stay alone

Who is the sexiest woman in your eyes? Angelina Jolie

Favorite music: Love all, varies according to mood.

Favorite movie: blood passions

Did you see the first seasons of Big Brother? Who was your favorite among the residents and why? I watched only the second season some of my favorites were Aviv and Eliraz, Aviv because he was funny and light, turned the house and made a lot of noise especially interested whatever he wasn't self conscious of the occupants or the public at home. Eliraz, liked his innocence and sincerity because he integrated it with the experience of life.

What the best advice you received in life? Try every morning to get up and every night to climb into bed with a smile on my face - to be happy always.

When was the last time you cried and why? When the young woman at the bar crashed on me ... After waking up I was sure I was paralyzed from the neck down because of the pain. But in the end it was all over with a smile

If you win, what will you do with the money? I believe that most of the money I'll save for a trip.

How far are you willing to go to win the sympathy of the audience? I'll try to stay as I always am, I believe that precisely in this way I will win the sympathy of the audience. If not, then I guess I have to fix some things and learn to know myself better.

אלעד צפני

אלעד , צפני , אלעד הקטן ,אלעד הגמד, הגמד ,הקטן ,גמדים , מצחיק , הומור ,אח גדול 3 ,אח גדול עונה 3 , סקסי , גבר ,

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